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Our New ‘Insect Shield’ Service for 2020

by | Mar 3, 2020 | Lawncare Advice

We have a new product that is completely changing the way we’re handling insect management – and we’re excited to offer our new ‘Insect Shield’ service!

I am sure many of you who do your own lawn care or have had lawn services for a while are wondering why we’re talking about insect treatment in early March, when we are just getting out onto lawns. After all, grub treatment isn’t usually applied until June through August, and we don’t really have to worry about sod webworm, armyworm, chinchbugs or other surface feeding insects until summer when things heat up.

The reason is simple: our new ‘Insect Shield’ service will provide season-long suppression of these pests with one application in the spring!

For as long as I have been in the lawn care industry – 23 years – Imidiclopirid has been the go-to product for grub prevention. Application begins in June, and can continue through mid-August. You may recall the “this product must be watered in to be activated” note from your lawn care provider. While there has been some evidence of increased tolerance in white grubs, this is still an effective means of preventing grub damage in your lawn – but it is no longer our best option.

Beginning this spring, Acelepryn is our new go-to for grub prevention treatment. At Get Green Lawncare, we’re calling this our Insect Shield treatment. Why “Insect Shield”? With Acelepryn we will not only get season long control of grubs, but also sod webworm, armyworms, black cutworm, and billbugs, and will provide suppression of chinchbugs as well. One spring application will effectively treat all of the turf damaging insects we encounter in this area!

Another huge advantage to this product – and this is very important to us – is how safe it is. Acelepryn is registered under the Environmental Protection Agency’s Reduced Risk Program, indicating a safer product than other traditional chemicals. Additionally, Acelepryn does not have a signal word on its label (DANGER, WARNING or CAUTION) because the results of acute toxicity studies have shown it to be very safe for non-target organisms.

The bottom line is that this product is safe for beneficial insects such as pollinating bees and earthworms that live in our lawns and landscapes while controlling those insects that can damage our lawns. In addition, it is much safer for children, pets and our natural environment than other options!

Please contact us at Get Green if you are interested in having this insurance policy for your lawn. I’m sure your lawn will thank you for it!

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